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美國德州農工大學 / 教授

What I remember most while in college are (1) our annual 20-person relay run competition event and (2) the dedication of our faculty teaching in the classroom. The 20-person relay run competition promotes team spirits and demands individual contribution to collectively win the game. This sporting event helps build friendship among the classmates and allow all who want to participate to be a team player. Most professors who taught the courses at CYCU showed their desire to disseminate their knowledge and experiences to the students and encourage students to hold on to opportunities in front of them to achieve their career goals. The classroom learning and extracurricular life at CYCU has prepared students precious academic foundation and mental readiness to pursue our dreams in life.

My advice to the current students at CYCU is to fully indulge yourself to the most precious, memorable period of your life now and dream the impossible dreams. In the meantime, you should build a strong academic foundation and make long lasting friends along the way. Your future success is in part from your own efforts and in a larger part from the good friends you make. Hold on to your life principles and explore your exciting life without hesitation!