


張雍 Chang, Yung

玉山獎 Yushan Awards


國立臺灣大學 化學工程 博士


2022~now:中原大學 副研發長
2022~now: 中原大學 貴重儀器中心 主任
2022~now: Desalination 編輯委員
2021~now: Journal of Membrane Science Letters 編輯委員
2021~now: 普瑞博生技股份有限公司(興櫃) 董事
2020~now : 經濟部法人研究專案計畫審查委員
2020~now: 亞太生醫器材協會理事
2020~now: 世界薄膜學會 財務理事
2019~now: 中華民國高分子學會Journal of Polymer Research 副編輯
2019~now: 中華民國高分子學會理事
2018~now: 中華民國化工學會Taiwan Journal of Chemical Engineering 編輯委員
2018~now : 科技部主軸計畫審查委員(初審/複審)
2017~now: 亞洲薄膜學會理事
2017~now: 台灣薄膜學會理事
2017~now : 科技部科發基金研究補助計畫審查委員(初審/複審)
2017: 中原大學 競爭力發展中心 主任
2017: 中原大學 貴重儀器中心 主任
2016~2020: 普瑞博生技股份有限公司- 董事
2016~now: 普瑞博生技校園新創公司- PuriBlood創辦人 (科技部育苗計畫成果)
2014~now: 體訊科技校園新創公司- Body Information創辦人 (科技部萌芽計畫成果)
2013~now: 中原大學 化學工程學系 特聘教授
2013~now: 中原大學 化學工程學系 教授
2013~2017: 中原大學 薄膜技術研發中心 副主任
2013~2015: 沙烏地阿拉伯國王大學 客座教授
2010~now : 科技部專題研究計畫審查委員(初審/複審)


張雍教授,任教於中原大學化學工程學系,服務迄今17年,其基礎科研專長為量子物理化學、分子模擬與理論計算、高分子化學合成、生物界面科學、生醫薄膜工程、生化分離工程與高階醫療器材。在國科會專題研究計畫的補助下,致力於『仿生雙離子型材料於生物惰性功能控制與相關醫療器材應用研究』、『智能型高分子薄膜之功能性敷料設計,應用於糖尿病傷口癒合研究、『高分子生醫薄膜系統設計於白血球移除技術,應用於輸血安全研究』、『超分子過濾系統於外泌體之分離、純化與回收,應用於疾病診斷研究』、『微型過濾器設計與血液分離技術開發,應用於敗血症檢測研究』、『溫感型薄膜系統於血小板回收與蛋白質生長因子純化,應用於關節炎治療研究』、『奈米纖維薄膜系統於淋巴球之分離、純化與回收,應用於免疫治療研究』等研究課題的發展,已指導與培育127位相關領域研究人才,於服務中原大學期間累計發表超過250篇學術著作,學術引用超過9,500次,H-index 55 (WOS)。國際合作方面,與美國、日本、法國、澳洲、沙烏地阿拉伯等國家之研究學者有實質交流與共同發表60篇以上學術合著論文,並定期舉行國際研討會議。服務工作方面,擔任科技部計畫審查委員、科發基金補助計畫審查委員、國防部研究計畫審查委員、經濟部計畫審查委員、工研院內部計畫審查委員與大學教授升等案外部審查委員。學術行政服務方面,擔任中原大學校級研究中心主任,帶領『薄膜技術研發中心』的發展,此外,亦擔任中原大學研發處副發展長,擬定學校研發策略相關工作。在張教授過去的努力與成果,獲頒之代表性獎項有行政院科技部吳大猷先生紀念獎、行政院經濟部國家發明獎、日本化學工程學會亞洲化學工程國際研究傑出獎、台灣化學工程學會學術勵進獎、台灣化學工程學會化工技術獎、中原大學研究傑出獎、中原大學產學合作傑出獎與中原大學技轉終身成就獎等。張教授於中原大學服務迄今,獲頒兩次研究傑出獎、四次特聘教授、並榮獲發明專利終身成就獎與技轉終身成就獎。張教授在化學工程技術之顯著成就為拓展仿生雙離子結構材料與薄膜系統於人體血球、血液菌體以及生長因子的分離純化,除了於基礎科研工作發表研究學術著作,並發展先進薄膜過濾器於防止輸血副作用、敗血症診斷與關節炎治療做出具體貢獻。

Professor Yung Chang has been served for 17 years in the Department of Chemical Engineering of Chung Yuan Christian University. Scientific research expertise is quantum physical chemistry, molecular simulation, polymer synthesis, bio-interface science, biomedical membrane engineering, bio-separation engineering, and medical devices. Under the support of the research program from the National Science and Technology, Prof. Chang is committed to the research on “application of biomimetic zwitterionic materials in bio-inert functional control and related medical devices”, “design of intelligent functional dressing for diabetic wound healing”, “biomedical membrane system is designed for leukocyte depletion technology and applied to blood transfusion safety research”, “supramolecular filtration system for exosome separation, purification and recovery applied to disease diagnosis research”, “design and development of blood separation technology for sepsis detection and research”, “thermo-sensitive membrane system for platelet recovery and protein growth factor purification for arthritis treatment research”, and “nanofibers for lymphocyte isolation and purification membrane system”. Prof. Chang has guided and trained 127 research talents in CYCU, and has published more than 250 academic papers with more than 2,500 academic citations and H-index 55 (WOS). In terms of international cooperation, it has conducted a lot of exchanges with research scholars from the United States, Japan, France, Australia, Saudi Arabia and other countries, jointly published more than 60 academic co-authored papers, and regularly held international seminars. He has successively served as the Ministry of Science and Technology Project Evaluation Committee, the Science and Technology Development Funding¬¬ Evaluation Committee, the Ministry of Defense Research Project Evaluation Committee, the Ministry of Economic Affairs Project Evaluation Committee, the Ministry of Industry Research Institute Internal Project Evaluation Committee and External Review Board for the promotion of university professors. In terms of academic administrative services, he is the director of the university-level research center of CYCU, leading the construction of the “R&D Center for membrane technology”. Representative awards for Professor Chang in past efforts and achievements include the Wu Da-Yu Memorial Award from the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Invention Award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Asian Chemistry Outstanding International Research Award, the Engineering Award of the Japanese Chemical Engineering Society, and the Academic Award of the Taiwan Chemical Engineering Society, Taiwan Chemical Engineering Society Chemical Technology Award, Chung Yuan University Research Excellence Award, Chung Yuan University Industry-University Cooperation Outstanding Award, Chung Yuan University Technology Transfer Lifetime Achievement Award, etc. He has successively won 2 Research Excellence Awards, 4 Distinguished Professorships, Lifetime Achievement Award for Invention Patent and Lifetime Achievement Award for Technology Transfer. Professor Chang’s remarkable achievements in chemical engineering technology are the expansion of biomimetic zwitterionic materials and membrane systems for the separation and purification of human blood cells, blood bacteria and growth factors with specific contributions to the prevention of transfusion side effects, sepsis diagnosis, and arthritis treatment.

張雍教授,其技術領域專長為雙離子材料、表面改質技術、生物惰性處理技術、高分子生醫薄膜、智能型醫療器材與血液分離技術等。在科技部產學合作計畫的補助下,致力於發展生醫材料、生醫薄膜、醫療元件與醫療器材等相關技術與產品的研發,並與國內外超過10家企業進行建教合作案(已執行34件企業委託開發案)。技術研發成果已申請55件發明專利,其中38件已獲證,21件已完成專利授權,累計簽約技轉/授權金為8,848萬元(已實收8,308萬元,並完成政府科技研究成果上繳1,661萬元),同時創辦2間校園新創公司,完成募集創投資金 3.1億元。於2016年創辦校園新創公司普瑞博生技,並推動技術授權與商業化。張教授自2009年帶領團隊投入「人體血液減除白血球系統」的研發,從概念驗證到完成人體輸血測試,整個過程從技術成熟度TRL1到TRL7,歷經8年時間,於2015年取得專利發明「雙離子電荷偏差型血球篩選用材料」,可在避免血球凝集的情況下,從平均1,250顆血球中移除1顆白血球,讓病患在輸血過程中獲得更安心的醫療品質。減除白血球技術發明於2016年技轉給新創事業團隊,並成立普瑞博生技公司,於竹北生醫園區成立研發實驗室,同時在新竹科學園區建立減白濾器生產製造基地,取得ISO國際認證;2018年取得FDA產品認證,於美國上市與銷售,並在2021年進入臺灣市場,對國家社會在輸血安全上,做出守護國人健康安全的實質貢獻,也讓台灣成為全球第四個擁有自主能力於人體進行白血球的減除技術。張教授於中原大學服務迄今,獲頒中原大學產學類別共計26項獎項,包含產學合作傑出獎、產學合作卓越貢獻獎、發明獎、發明專利終身成就獎、績優發明獎、優良技轉獎、卓越技轉獎、技轉終身成就獎等多項產學卓越獎項。在具體的工程領域傑出貢獻方面,張教授發明可用於疾病預防的減除白血球分離技術,成立中原大學校園新創公司-普瑞博生技,並帶領中原大學師生募資與在台灣建構醫療器材製造廠,並通過ISO與GMP認證。所發展之減除白血球過離器產品,於2018年取得美國FDA產品上市許可,並於2019年取得台灣TFDA產品上市許可。2020年,推動過濾器相關產品正式進入台灣與美國醫療市場。2021年,新創公司普瑞博生技進入申請公發上市。2022年,新創公司-普瑞博生技正式登入興櫃,公司規模超過16億元台幣市值。

Prof. Yung Chang’s technical fields include zwitterionic materials, surface modification technology, bio-inert processing technology, polymer biomedical membranes, smart medical devices and blood separation technology. Under the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology’s Industry-University Cooperation Program, it is committed to the development of related technologies and products such as biomedical materials, biomedical films, medical components and medical devices. He executed 34 enterprise-commissioned development projects. The technological research and development achievements have applied for 55 invention patents, of which 38 have been certified and 21 have been authorized. In 2016, he founded PuriBlood Biotechnology, a campus start-up company, to promote technology licensing and commercialization. Since 2009, Professor Chang has led his team to develop the “Human Leukocyte Reduction System”. From the proof of concept to the completion of human blood transfusion trials, from the mature technology TRL1 to TRL7, the whole process lasted 8 years. In 2015, the patented invention “Zwitterionic Charge-Biased Material for Blood Cell Screening” can remove 1 white blood cell from an average of 1,250 blood cells without hemagglutination, allowing patients to obtain safer medical quality during blood transfusion. In 2016, the invention of leukodepletion technology was handed over to a new business team, and PuriBlood Biotechnology Co., Ltd. was established, and a research and development laboratory was set up in Zhubei Biomedical Park. It has made substantial contributions to the national society in terms of blood transfusion safety and safeguarding the health and safety of Taiwan people. Prof. Chang has won 26 technology transfer awards, including the CYCU University Industry-University Excellence Award, Industry-University Cooperation Outstanding Contribution Award, Invention Award, Invention Patent Lifetime Achievement Award, Outstanding Invention Award, and Excellence Award, Outstanding Technology Transfer Award, Technology Transfer Lifetime Achievement Award, and many other industry-academia excellence awards. Among his outstanding contributions to specific engineering fields, Prof. Chang invented leukocyte depletion technology that can be used for disease prevention. The developed leukocyte removal device product was approved by the US FDA in 2018, and obtained the Taiwan TFDA product marketing approval in 2019. In 2020, it was promoted the official entry of filter-related products into the medical market in Taiwan and the United States. In 2021, the start-up company PuriBlood entered the public offering and listing application. In 2022, the start-up company, PuriBlood, officially entered the cabinet, and the company scale exceeded NT$1.6 billion in market value.