
林義峯 Lin,Yi-Feng

雪山獎 Snow Mountain Award


國立清華大學 化學工程 博士

Educational qualifications

Ph.D., Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University


2023~迄今: IEET國際工程教育認證審查委員
2019~迄今:Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 副編輯
2017~2018:Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers編輯委員
2016~2021:中原大學 化學工程學系教授
2013~2016:中原大學 化學工程學系副教授
2009~2013:中原大學 化學工程學系助理教授
2007~2007:美國喬治亞理工學院材料科學與工程學系 訪問學者


2024~present: Visiting Profesor at UCSI University, Malaysia
2023~present: IEET International Engineering Education Accreditation Review Committee
2021~present: Dean of College of Engineering, CYCU
2021~present: Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Chung Yuan University
2023~2024: Member of the Institute Promotion Committee of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
2021~2023: Preliminary Project review/review committee of the National Science and Technology Council
2019~present: Associate Editor, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
2018~2021: Director of Lu Hua Circular Economy Research Center, CYCU
2017~2021: Chairman of the Department of Chemical Engineering, CYCU
2017~2017: Director of Patent Technology Transfer Center, Industry-Academic Operations Office, CYCU
2017~2018: Editorial board member of Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
2016~2021: Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, CYCU
2013~2016: Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, CYCU
2009~2013: Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, CYCU
2007~2007: Visiting Scholar, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA


林義峯教授於2009年進入中原大學化工系從事任職工作至今已服務達15年,現為工學院院長,亦擔任SCI 國際期刊Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers的副編輯(Associate Editor),與第十六屆世界無機薄膜會議的副主席。林教授之研究領域為奈米孔洞材料的開發於催化反應之應用,主要開發微孔洞金屬有機骨架沸石(MOF)與中孔洞氣凝膠材料合成技術,並應用於高級氧化程序、二氧化碳捕捉與二氧化碳催化反應等,其多篇研究成果發表至排名前10%國際知名期刊並有7篇美國與台灣發明專利,並獲得二次國科會優秀年輕學者三年期計畫、國科會彈性薪資獎勵、美國匹茲堡國際發明展金牌獎、德國紐倫堡國際發明展銅牌獎、台灣創新技術博覽會金牌與銀牌獎、國家新創獎、台灣化工學會學術勵進獎、台灣化工學會化工傑作獎、2次中原大學特聘教授獎、2次全校研究傑出獎、2次全校教學特優獎、產學合作耕耘獎、建教合作績優教師獎、優良技轉獎、發明獎、教學類彈性薪資與3次年輕教師研究特優獎。

Professor Lin Yi-Feng entered the Department of Chemical Engineering of CYCU in 2009 and has been working in CYCU for 15 years. He is currently the dean of the college of Engineering and the associate editor of Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. He also served as vice chairman of the 16th International Conference on Inorganic Membrane. Professor Lin’s research field is the development of nanoporous materials and their application in catalytic reactions. He mainly develops the synthesis technology of microporous metal-organic framework (MOF) and mesoporous aerogel materials, and applies them to advanced oxidation procedures, carbon dioxide capture and carbon dioxide catalytic reaction, etc. Many of his research results have been published in the top 10% of internationally renowned journals and he has 7 invention patents in the United States and Taiwan. He has been awarded the National Science and Technology Council’s Outstanding Young Scholars Three-Year Project twice and the National Science and Technology Council’s Flexible Salary Awards. He also obtained a lot of awards as follows: Gold Medal Award at the International Invention Exhibition in Pittsburgh, USA, Bronze Medal Award at the Nuremberg International Invention Exhibition in Germany, Gold and Silver Medal Awards at Taiwan Innovation Technology Expo, National Innovation Award in Taiwan, Outstanding Young Researcher award and Outstanding article award in Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, CYCU Distinguished Professor Award twice, CYCU Research Outstanding Awards twice, CYCU Teaching Excellence Awards twice, Industry-Academic Cooperation Award, Cooperative Education Outstanding Teacher Award, Excellent Technology Transfer Award, Invention Award, Teaching Flexible Salary and Distinguished Young Teacher Research Awards three times.


It’s my honor to receive the Snow Mountain Award from CYCU. First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to CYCU for providing an excellent research environment and abundant research resources, which allowed me to pursue research with all my strength without any worries. I am also grateful to the students in our laboratory who have worked hard with us over the past 15 years. Only with everyone’s contribution can we achieve such excellent results. Research is like marathon running, it is a long process, and research results must be accumulated bit by bit. Through years of hard work, our team has not only published research results in internationally renowned journals, but also obtained quite a few research projects from the National Science and Technology Council and the industry. We also have conducted research cooperation with international scholars. Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has helped me along the way. It is only with your help that I can achieve the current research results. Highly appreciated!