
張道本 Chang,Tao-Pen




I have always believed that “Design is not just for the 1% of corporate clients,” but for the general public, including the underprivileged, the disadvantaged, the poor and those in need of assistance. Furthermore, I have been inspired by the passion of Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU) professors for social service, incorporating social design issues into my teaching. These include promoting local revitalization and ethical issues in basic design courses, providing design services for orphanages in graduate courses, and participating in services for non-profit organizations, social enterprises or social issues in advertising design and integrated marketing and design courses. Students step out of the classroom to participate in society, using their design expertise to help solve problems. Through learning by doing, the service field becomes a studio, allowing students to understand the real complexities of society from a macro perspective, combining theory and practice to meet needs, fostering social care, personal growth and professional learning.

To meet the needs of problem-solving and the requirement for business design students to engage in more interdisciplinary cooperation and communication, I began collaborating with Professor Ting PEI-YUAN of the Department of Business Administration 20 years ago. We formed the “CYCU Advertising and Marketing Service-Learning Team,” jointly realizing the ideal of cross-departmental Service-Learning. I am grateful to all the partners who have collaborated with us along the way, including Professor CHIU, YUNG-ZHONG from the Department of Commercial Design and four professors from the Department of Business Administration for their mutual support. I also appreciate the over 80 social issues provided, giving students internship opportunities. Through visiting, investigations, analysis, planning and strategy formulation, communication and discussion, design execution, proposals, presentations and testing, we have overcome the difficulties of interdisciplinary cooperation and communication to achieve the goals of problem-solving and social service.