


李魁然 Lee, Kueir-Rarn

百岳獎 Baiyue Awards


中原大學化學工程學系 博士


Ph.D., Chem. Eng., Chung Yuan Christian University


Journal of Membrane Science編輯委員 (2014 ~ )
Annals of Materials Science & Engineering編輯委員 (2014 ~ )
Journal of Membrane Science and Research編輯委員 (2018 ~ )
Membranes編輯委員 (2020 ~ )
Frontiers in Membrane Science and Technology編輯委員 (2022 ~ )
亞澳薄膜學會理事 (2012 ~ 2017)
台灣薄膜學會理事 (2015 ~ )
薄膜中心主任 (2012 ~ 2017)
中原大學 化學工程學系 特聘教授 (2012 ~ 2021)
中原大學 化學工程學系 終身特聘教授 (2021 ~ )


Editorial Board Member, Journal of Membrane Science (2014 ~ )
Editorial Board Member, Annals of Materials Science & Engineering (2014 ~ )
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Membrane Science and Research (2018 ~ )
Editorial Board Member, Membranes (2020 ~ )
Editorial Board Member, Frontiers in Membrane Science and Technology (2022 ~ )
Council Member, Aseanian Membrane Society (2012 ~ 2017)
Council Member, Taiwan Membrane Society (2015 ~ )
Director, R&D Center for Membrane Technology, Chung Yuan Christian University (2012 ~ 2017)
Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University (2012 ~ 2021)
Lifetime Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University (2021 ~ )


突破正子湮滅時間光譜分析技術(Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy, PALS)極限,完成非對稱濕式薄膜之次奈米微結構分析,研究成果已在國際知名學術期刊發表超過百篇論文,技術領先全球相關研究團隊。薄膜應用在滲透蒸發、奈米過濾及氣體分離等相關之研究成果,刊登在國際知名期刊例如: Progress in Polymer Science, Adv. Mater., Nature Communicatios, Sci. Adv., Macromolecules, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Carbon, Langmuir, J. Membrane Sci.,…等,己發表342 餘篇論文,學術引用超過13,000次,H-index 達56 (Scopus Information),研究成果受到國際 相關團隊重視。過去的努力與成果,獲頒台灣化學工程學會化工技術獎、中華民國高分子學會傑出高分子應用獎、中原大學研究傑出獎、中原大學產學合作傑出獎、中原大學技轉卓越貢獻獎與中原大學發明專利終身成就獎等。於中原大學服務迄今,獲頒兩次研究傑出獎、三次特聘教授獎、並於2021年獲頒終身特聘教授獎。

Breaking through the limits of Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy (PALS) and completing the sub-nanometer microstructure analysis of asymmetric membranes in wet state. The research results have been published in more than 100 papers in internationally renowned academic journals, and the technology is leading the world’s relevant research teams. Research results related to membrane applications in pervaporation, nanofiltration and gas separation have been published in internationally renowned journals such as: Progress in Polymer Science, Adv. Mater., Nature Communications, Sci. Adv., Macromolecules, Angew. Chem. Int. . Ed., Carbon, Langmuir, J. Membrane Sci., etc., has published more than 342 papers, with more than 13,000 academic citations, and an H-index of 56 (Scopus Information). Research results have been valued by relevant international teams. For past efforts and achievements, he was awarded the Taiwan Chemical Engineering Society Chemical Technology Award, the Polymer Society of the Republic of China Outstanding Polymer Application Award, Chung Yuan University Research Outstanding Award, Chung Yuan University Industry-Academic Cooperation Outstanding Award, Chung Yuan University Technology Transfer Outstanding Contribution Award and Chung Yuan University Invention Patent Lifetime Achievement Award, etc. Since serving at Chung Yuan University, he has been awarded two Research Excellence Awards, three Distinguished Professors, and the Lifetime Distinguished Professor Award in 2021.


Since 2000, I have worked hard with the research group of R&D Center of Membrane Technology to develop key independent technologies for membranes. Actively engaged in academic research, industry-university cooperation, international exchanges and education promotion. Promote new applications of thin films in various fields and assist in process improvement and new process development. The R&D Center of Membrane Technology has gradually become a major international membrane technology consulting, membrane design and membrane application development center, and enjoys a high reputation in the world. The center’s academic research results have won the attention of the international research community. July 2015 Successfully held the AMS9 Asia-Australia Film Conference in Taipei and served as the chairman of the conference. The highly praised team strength also directly boosts Chung Yuan University’s international reputation.
In the future, I will continue to develop advance membrane technology research directions with the R&D Center of Membrane Technology research group to make a world-class membrane research center in CYCU.