


葉瑞銘 Yeh, Jui-Ming

玉山獎 Yushan Awards


美國賓州卓克索大學(Drexel University) 化學 博士

Educational qualifications

Ph.D., Chemistry, Drexel University, Pennsylvania, USA


工業研究院化學工業研究所 研究員 (1996/11/14 ~ 1998/07/31)
中原大學化學系 助理教授 (1998/08/01 ~ 2002/07/31)
中原大學化學系 副教授 (2002/08/01 ~ 2005/07/31)
中原大學化學系 正教授 (2005/08/01 ~ )
中原大學化學系 特聘教授 (2012/08/01 ~ 2021/07/31)
中原大學奈米科技中心 中心主任 (2003/08/01 ~ 2007/07/31)
中原大學奈米科技中心 中心主任 (2014/08/01 ~ 2018/07/31)
中原大學奈米碩士學位學程 主任 (2015/08/01 ~ 2018/07/31)
中原大學化學系 系主任 (2009/08/01 ~ 2013/07/31)
中原大學理學院 副院長 (2018/08/01 ~ 2021/07/31)

經濟部技術處SBIR計畫 主審委員 (2009 ~ )
奈米產業化推動計畫產業輔導案 審查委員 (2007 ~ )
經濟部工業局奈米標章驗證規範草案制定工作小組 委員 (2008 ~ )
國科會自然處及工程處 審查委員 (2005 ~ )
國科會化學新竹分會理事 (2011 ~ )
中華民國防蝕工程學會會員 (2011 ~ )
中國化學會“化學”中文期刊總編輯 (2012/1/1 ~ 2013/12/31)


On campus
Researcher, Industrial Technology Research Institute (1996/11/14 ~ 1998/07/31)
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, CYCU (1998/08/01 ~ 2002/07/31)
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, CYCU (2002/08/01 ~ 2005/07/31)
Full Professor, Department of Chemistry, CYCU (2005/08/01 ~ )
Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemistry, CYCU (2012/08/01 ~ 2021/07/31)
Director of Center for Nanotechnology, CYCU, (2003/08/01 ~ 2007/07/31)
Director of Center for Nanotechnology, CYCU (2014/08/01 ~ 2018/07/31)
Director of the Master’s Degree Program in Nanotechnology at CYCU (2015/08/01 ~ 2018/07/31)
Chairman, Department of Chemistry, CYCU (2009/08/01 ~ 2013/07/31)
Vice Dean, School of Science, CYCU (2018/08/01 ~ 2021/07/31)

off campus
Chief Review Member, SBIR Project, Technical Division, Ministry of Economic Affairs (2009 ~ )
Review committee member of the Nano Industrialization Promotion Plan Industry Guidance Case (2007 ~ )
Member of the Working Group for the Development of Draft Nanomark Verification Specifications, Bureau of Industry, Ministry of Economic Affairs (2008 ~ )
Review Committee Member, Division of Nature and Engineering, National Science Council (2005 ~ )
Director, Chemistry Hsinchu Branch of the National Science Council (2011 ~ )
Member of the Corrosion Protection Engineering Society of the Republic of China (2011 ~ )
Chief Editor of the Chinese Journal “Chemistry” of the Chinese Chemical Society (2012/1/1 ~ 2013/12/31)


葉瑞銘教授,於1998年加入中原大學化學系至今已服務長達25年。在學術研究面,於2012及2017年曾經兩度榮獲中原大學研究傑出教授。從2012 ~ 2021年連續三期九年榮獲中原大學特聘教授,並於2021年8月1日被聘為終生特聘教授。葉教授目前已發表之SCI國際知名期刊已超過260篇,其中被高度引用(H-指標)之文章共計有57篇,論文被引用次數超過11800 (Google Scholar)。在2011~ 2012年並有防蝕材料及奈米複材相關章節被收錄在3本相關專業書籍中,並擁有中華民國專利及美國專利數篇。在教學方面,於2003及2012年兩次榮獲中原大學“校級”教學特優教師。在學生輔導方面,葉教授於2019年榮獲中原大學“校級”優良導師。在產學合作方面,在2016年台北國際發明展獲得「金牌獎」及「銅牌獎」,並於2017年獲得美國匹茲堡國際發明展的「銀牌獎」。
由美國史丹佛大學傑出教授John Ioannidis所領導的研究團隊,於2022年發表全世界不同領域排名前2%科學家名單,該名單運用Scopus資料庫所彙集超過2萬2千冊期刊涵蓋不同領域科學家長期研究成果,依照標準化過的文獻引用指標評估資料,累計至2022年底而得,包含論文被引用情形、H-指標與共同作者數等。 中原大學在其中11個領域中共有 17位教授榮登入榜,其中葉教授以高分子領域入榜。

Professor Jui-Ming Yeh joined the department of chemistry of Chung Yuan University (CYCU) in 1998 and has served for 25 years. In terms of academic research, he was awarded the outstanding research professor of CYCU twice in 2012 and 2017. From 2012 to 2021, he was awarded the distinguished professorship of CYCU for three consecutive nine-year terms, and was appointed as a Lifetime distinguished professor on August 1, 2021. Professor Yeh has currently published more than 260 articles in SCI internationally renowned journals, including a total of 57 highly cited (H-index) articles, with more than 11,800 citations (Google Scholar). In 2011~2012, chapters related to anti-corrosion materials and nanocomposites were included in 3 related professional books, and he holds several patents in the Republic of China and the United States. In terms of teaching, professor Yeh was awarded the “school-level” outstanding teaching teacher of CYCU twice in 2003 and 2012. In terms of student tutoring, professor Yeh was awarded the “school-level” outstanding tutor of CYCU in 2019. In terms of industry-university cooperation, professor Yeh won the “Gold Medal Award” and “Bronze Medal Award” at the Taipei International Invention Exhibition in 2016, and won the “Silver Medal Award” at the Pittsburgh International Invention Exhibition in the United States in 2017. A research team led by John Ioannidis, a distinguished professor at Stanford University in the United States, published a list of the top 2% of scientists in different fields in the world in 2022. The list uses the Scopus database to collect more than 22,000 journals covering the long-term achievements of scientists in different fields. Research results are based on standardized literature citation index evaluation data and are accumulated up to the end of 2022, including the citation status of papers, H-index and number of co-authors, etc. Chung Yuan University has a total of 17 professors on the list in 11 fields, among which Professor Yeh is on the list in the field of polymers.


葉瑞銘教授近年來的研究成果聚焦在電活性高分子、奈米複合材料、仿生材料之製備、鑑定及應用研究上,應用之層面主要包含: 防腐蝕塗料、超級電容塗料、抗菌塗料、生物支架材料、氣體感測材料、電化學感測材料等等領域,研究成果也與許多廠商進行實質的產學合作,如: 中國鋼鐵公司、東元奈米應材公司、台塑公司、瑞展實業公司、勝一化工公司等等業界的夥伴。

In recent years, research results of professor Jui-Ming Yeh have focused on the preparation, identification and application of electroactive polymers, nanocomposites, and biomimetic materials. The application aspects mainly include: anti-corrosion coatings, super-capacitor coatings, antibacterial coatings, and biological scaffold materials, gas sensing materials, electrochemical sensing materials and other fields, the research results have also led to substantial industry-university cooperation with many manufacturers, such as: China Steel Corporation, TECO Nano Materials Company, Formosa Plastics Corporation, Ruizhan Industrial Company , Shengyi Chemical Company and other industry partners.