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丁姵元 Ting,Pei-Yuan

可以得到這個獎項,首先要感謝學校與企管系的支持,每年挹注經費幫助我們在課程的執行與發展。都是還要感謝跟我一起合作的老師夥伴們,企管系的王如鈺、廖本哲、邱榆淨老師,商設系的張道本、邱永中與侯君緯老師, 沒有大家的對共同願景的堅持與改革,是不可能走到如今的狀況的。還要謝謝兩系許多願意參與這門難度這麼高的課程的所有同學,從你們的認同要看見你們的努力,可以見證各位同學的改變與突破是我的驕傲。還要感謝在這門課程歷年來幫忙許多課程行政事務的助教們,因為有你們的協助一直幫助同學陪伴同學,才能讓這個課程得以完整。最後還要謝謝我們歷年的服務機構,給予同學練習與實作的機會,接納我們的生疏與不熟練,給予許多發揮的空間,並時常給予肯定與鼓勵。這門課是門跨領域團隊與實踐的課程,而這個榮譽則是大家共同擁有的。

First, I would like to express my gratitude to the support of CYCU and the Department of Business Administration, which provides annual funding to assist us in the implementation and development of the curriculum.

Second, I want to express my gratitude to the my partners who have worked with me, including Professor Wang Ru-Yu, Professor Liao Ben-Zhe and Professor Qiu Yu-Jing from the Department of Business Administration, as well as Professor Zhang Dao-Ben, Professor Qiu Yong-Zhong and Professor Hou Jun-Wei from the Department of Commercial Design. Without commitment to our vision, it would not have been possible to achieve our goal.

Third, I want to express my gratitude to all students from departments of Business Administration and Commercial Design who have been willing to participate in this challenging course. Your recognition and efforts are evident, and witnessing the changes and breakthroughs of each of you is my pride.

Additionally, I want to express my gratitude to the teaching assistants who have helped with administration of the course over the years. Your assistance in accompanying and supporting students has been instrumental in the completion of this course.

Finally, I want to express my gratitude to our service organizations over the years for providing students with opportunities for practice and implementation. They have accepted our unfamiliarity and lack of skill, providing ample room for us to perform and frequently offering affirmation and encouragement. This course is interdisciplinary and practical, and we will share this honor all together.